Monday, February 20, 2012

A Bad Case of the Giggles.

Turn on your volume, someone's got a case of the giggles. This has been a very common occurance in the last couple of days, for some reason. It also makes him laugh to listen to this.

*The audio was taken on a cell phone, so its not of the best quality. The kid is though.


Kali said...

Oh no! I went to listen to it and it said an error occurred. :( Sad.

The kid is definitely quality though!

Unknown said...

Agreed, Kali: Charlie is top notch! I got it to work by downloading in onto my iTunes. Bonus - whenever I feel bummed out I can now add Charlie laughing onto a playlist a VOILA!

Thanks for all the posting, Becky!

The Wistes said...

Oh yeah KT! Thanks for saying how to make it work... I also texted it to a few phones/emails, including Percy, Kali and Mum.
Charlie loves you both, you good aunties, you :)