Friday, August 8, 2014

Now he is 4.

These pictures are from Charlie's second swimming lessons. He had his ups and downs, but things ended on a very positive note. So, Mommy and Daddy were happy, and Charlie would like to go back again. He LOVES monkey crawling, but isn't too crazy about sticking his head under water without plugging his nose.

 One of Charlie's chores is taking the diapers out of the dryer and putting them nicely on the changing table. He is very good help... not so sure what Juniper's train of thought is, when she's trying to "help" Charlie.

 Happy Birthday! Chocolate angel food cake with 4 candles. Took a while to make a wish and blow them out, but it was a big wish for a machine that does a lot of different things. So that explained it.


See you all at the campground!

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