Tuesday, October 16, 2012


Well, I wasn't really intending to blog this morning, but now, Liz and I are getting into a great, early morning routine. I guess that blogging is becoming a part of that; a way to clear my head or share a bit of the past/future before putting myself to work.

Since this blog is titled, "Routine," I thought it might be interesting to show some ancient tools of routine that came from Pompeii and Herculaneum.

Gladiator fights anyone? Do you think that they had season tickets for regular attendees?

Proof that cast iron is the toughest pan in the world: this one made it through a volcanic eruption and still looks like it is pretty well conditioned. 

My friends and I were pretty sure that this was a toilet. Me, being the super mature one of us all, took a picture of it. Do you think they would have read stone-tablet-newspapers or vellum-novels while sitting on this throne?

This is probably the routine you can expect if you live in the shadow of an enormous volcano. 

Well, I must now sign off in order to continue with my version of the daily grind…

1 comment:

Liz said...

KT - LOVE your post - hillarious:):):) Let's just hope they didn't have to wipe with the stone tablets. Your writing is great, but don't feel you have to keep to this standard. You could be half as interesting and 1/4 as witty and your post would still be great. (I give you permission to apply this compliment to any other writing you may be doing as of recent;)

PS Were they cast iron or something else - like forged steel?