We've all purchased expensive items (cars, big trucks, shoes, etc.) and have all, for the most part, gone through what some call Buyer's Remorse. Remorse is, according to my computer's dictionary: "deep regret or guilt for a wrong committed." Well, I just purchased and received the largest purchase of my life (cheese vat: $6000, shipping: $300.33) and although I had hemmed and hawed before buying it, fretted over the methods of shipping and payment, and worried and wondered whether it really was the right time to buy a vat, I felt not the least amount of guilt or shame when I opened up the garage door to find this waiting for me:
Can you tell that a farmer packaged this? |
Needless to say, I was excited to get my vat home, where it belongs! :) It will be a little while before I am able to put it down in the basement (ahem...Brad and Chad - I need that ledge tuck-pointed asap!). When that does happen, however, I think I would like to throw a Cheese Curd Party; I will invite all of my cheese-loving friends down to grab a (freshly washed) handful of curds from the vat!
Hmmm, what could these oddly-shaped packages be? |
All the odds-and-ends that make my vat so special: a temperature probe, agitator, control box, etc. |
The vat with the lid open. |
The inside of the vat. |
The paddle, tucked in securely under the vat's legs and almost unnoticed by me! |
I'm still considering many name options. A new thought is: Capra Nera Sotto Terra (Black Goat Under Ground). Not only does it symbolize the love I feel for goats and soil, but as soon as I move above ground and out of the basement, I can just call it: Capra Nera. Added bonus, it rhymes! Or, maybe I should quit over-thinking it and call it: Just Cheese. Hmmmm... You guys better send any comments or suggestions this way to help me out!
Vat with the lid closed; also covered so that while it waits patiently in the garage the birds don't poop on it! |
As I was loading pictures from my camera to my computer, I discovered a few that say Spring! like nothing else can. Spring will arrive...won't it?
What says Spring! better than... |
Men with flowers! :) |
1 comment:
Yay, its arrived! How very exciting. A major turning point in your cheese career.
I like the new name option. Its not terribly difficult for those that don't speak Italian, and easier to say because it rhymes. Most people would realize that Capra is goat (Capricorn). Bring on the cheese curds! And Spring! ~Becky
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