These pictures are just from Juniper's birthday... I think I will split my pictures up in a few posts to make it easier and less time consuming (surprisingly or not, I have less free time these days!). So, here's our story in pictures, starting with my laboring at home. It cracks me up that Trav and my Mum look so tired, because they did get up very early, but both were napping in the early morning hours while I was contracting, getting things ready and making waffles (good distractions from labor pains)! But it all went pretty smoothly and, well, here she is :) Charlie loves her and we are blessed to have TWO sweet children. Juniper pretty much started smiling from the moment I held her.
Kali helped Charlie pick out a present for Juniper (and she already had one for him)- he chose pink John Deere socks, so he's helping to put them on, not changing her diaper (I had to look twice until I realized, because Daddy hasn't done that many diapers yet).
Ta Ta from the happy, busy, sleepy Lingen house,
Looks like Charlie is a good helper. Juniper is a cutie.
Mom/Grandma W.
Oh, Becky! Wonderful pictures. Tears, here:: We are all so blessed.
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