Says Charlie this morning. He has limited vocabulary, and I think he means he misses having her here- he got a little used to waking her up in the morning. I told him what I always have to remind myself, since we live in a city away from our family... time spent with people you love is never long enough, but you just have to enjoy the heck out them while you get them.
I am currently blogging with blanched broccoli in the sink, a fritatta in the oven (originally I was planning on cold cereal), and the baby actually sleeping in her bassinet. The boys have been in the garden since 6 a.m. Why are we up so early? One would assume baby J, but you would be wrong (she slept 6 hours in a row last night! I know I shouldn't worry because she's gaining plenty, but is that okay?!? new mom anxiety).
Charlie was up at 5:30 a.m. and woke that baby girl right up. She was at about 3 and a half hours that time. I probably could have slept until 7 a.m. this morning! Oh well, then I wouldn't have been so productive. Don't call to see how I am doing later... we'll all be napping.
So, safe to say that Charlie had a lot of fun over the past week (note tattoos and cupcakes; there were also bubbles, sidewalk chalk, hide and seek, shopping and eating out, to name a few). But now Daddy's got his (garden) partner in crime back- you can catch them green-handed, ha ha.
I can't believe that Juniper is already over 2 weeks old (and, ahem, 9 pounds!!!).

Another new thing, which of course my pictures do not do justice... my kitchen island, and Charlie's mini kitchen, courtesy of Grandpa Steve. I can't believe how spoiled we are, so spoiled in fact, I haven't really used it yet. YaYa did all of my cooking this week. If you are wondering what to do for a new Mom, the nicest thing you can do is cook for her. We also enjoyed so many types of fruit this week, which was a treat as well as refreshing, healthy for Mom and fun for Charlie.
I may not have used my island much yet, but Charlie has used the heck out of his. He's been washing vegetables and fruit in his sink (stainless steel bowl, which is removable so we can dump it) and cooking up a storm. He sat on his stool and watched his (mini) cupcakes bake, and then insisted they go in his oven afterwards. They are getting a little hard now, but he's still eating them. After all, they probably taste better since he made them "himself". I'll have to review my island with a few better pictures when I've used it more and rearranged my kitchen things to fit my drawers. Its funny how in a rut you get, or anyways how used to where things are, its a little tough to move things around! Oh, but I'll adjust to the extra storage all right. Currently I have an extra drawer! How does that happen?
Enjoy your lovely day! (Lot's of exclamation points this morning!)
Wonderful update. It makes me totally jealous. You are busier than anyone I know and find time to blog. I need a new realistic blogging goal.
Your new island (& Charlie's) look fab! Can't wait to see them...& you:)
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