Here are some long over due pictures of the progress we've made in the creamery, parlor and milk house. Pretty much all of the walls are up (just the finishing touches in the aging room and bathroom left), and I've painted a primer on the plywood in the utility room and office. You'll notice that the cement in some places looks very grey - that's because I've painted it with a epoxy paint to make it more cleanable. I also painted the curb of the parlor platforms, and I think it looks rather nice. Also, there were 2 more baby goats born today! The mother is Nutmeg, this is her 3rd lactation. I'm very excited to say that she had 2 girls! Not only does she have a nice udder, she is half Nubian and thus has a very high butter fat and protein average (which makes more cheese!). Nancy Reagan (black, La Mancha ears) was born first, and then Lady Bird Johnson (brown, normal ears!, and wattles). Way to go, Nutmeg!
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