Saturday, February 11, 2012

A few moments in time.

*Sorry- I can't get this pictures flipped in the right direction!

What a smart alack! This is what Charlie does now when I ask him to shut the refrigerator door. 

Cuddling with his peeps... moments before drifting off to sleep. So sweet, I love it when he falls asleep so peacefully.


Charlie and his baby doll.

Spinach Quiche.

Homemade Pasta with Sage from the garden. Short of burning it I was wondering what to do with that stuff.

New mittens from Auntie Kali.

Yes, they are wearing matching shirts- from Italia of course.

True Love.

Rommegrot- good to the last drop. Charlie dropped his first Uffda two days ago, by the way. Very proud moment for good ol' Tollef Wiste I'm sure (I know my Grandma would have loved it, anyways).

I have been a bad blogger, as Kali of (insert clever title here) would say. I will try to do better. Maybe I need to come up with a more focused concept, or just accept that this is a dumping spot for very random, though mainly Charlie related pictures. A spot for all Charlie-lovers to get their fix. Although maybe I should check out the new instagram craze, which may be a more appropriate outlet. We shall see.

1 comment:

Kali said...

I really like that Charlie is cheesing out in the background of the pasta picture. He photo bombed it!