Later in the morning, around 7:40 a.m., I swung by again, by myself, but prepared with a list. And it was packed. I had to walk a block just to get there, meaning the parking lot and one block of the street's worth of people were already getting their weekend doughnuts.
There is always that moment of, "Should I stay, or should I go? Da da da da, da da da da." And then you decide, yes I should have known better and got here earlier, but I have a mission to accomplish (plus Trav's dad is coming, and he really likes doughnuts and hes helping us with plumbing). And just like Al's, there is a set of rules one must follow. Please, Google the rules and reviews of Al's Breakfast before visiting, and tell me they don't make you nervous. And the servers all have attitude problems, except they seem so cool that you want them to like you. Bring coffee for the wait, use the bathroom prior to visiting (so don't drink too much coffee), and open the door for people as they exit the building. And scoot down if ordered to, (don't scoot if they don't tell you to) or you might actually get kicked out- dead serious. Bloedow's is not that crazy, but you better know what you want to order. No hem hawing around. People like me (somewhat indecisive)- bring a list, its a must. First, let them know what size of box you want, read them your list, and then if something additional looks extra tasty, its okay to slightly deter (but no dawdling). That's my list of Bloedow's rules, at least for a Saturday morning. Oh yes, and get there right at 7:30 a.m. (At Al's, its best to get there at least 1/2 hour before opening, otherwise be prepared to wait for potentially 2 hours!) And yet, its soworth it (just ask Megan). And I am rating the custard Bismark I just ate- 5 stars.
(*I do think they should add a pregnant lady rule- right to the front; but at this point I would probably have to announce my condition, as people probably just mistook me as someone who's ate one too many long johns, and there is no sympathy for that.)
Quanto ti voglio bene, Becky! Thank you for this post. I promise promise promise to update you guys soon ... my internet has been awful and I was gone for Easter. Hope you all had a good one!
Love, Katie
You are hilarious, Becky!
Yes, there should definitely be a pregnancy exception.
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