I can't believe how good these bars (with a graham cracker crust) turned out. I don't really think the picture does it justice- its not perfect, I don't think those cracks are supposed to be there;but it smells like cinnamon and looks like a creamy, fluffy cheesecake. Now it has to set for four hours, and I swear, there had better be some left in the morning. I'm not kidding, there had better be some left, and Trav really could eat the whole thing (his mother can vouch for me, and is probably the only other person that can really appreciate how much it takes to feed that guy, and she did it way longer than me AND while he was a teenage boy). IF there is some left (and there had better be), I'm eating some for breakfast. Its got carrots in it, so it has to be healthy, right? (Just like how zucchini chocolate cake is healthy, 'cause its got zucchini in it.)
*recipe is from Kraft Foods (
Do you sound pregnant or what??? I hope (for Trav's sake as much as yours, Becky) that there was some left in the morning.
Not only do I sound it, now I look like it, too! But,no worries, Trav didn't even touch it- he always does the least expected. And I did have a piece for breakfast and it was delicious. I've found that good smells counter bad smells, i.e. aroma therapy, and baking is my new favorite hobby (NOT cooking, which I can hardly stand). If I make it to Mom and Dad's this weekend, maybe we could Skype.
Love you,
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