This first picture has nothing to do with gardening, except that Trav decided to build his own plant stand this year, to grow his own seedlings. With a sense of urgency (because Liz just sent him a gardening book specific to Minnesota that states he should already have his onion seeds planted), he rushed to mum and dad's for wood, which they generously offered to donate to cause. Anyways, when he was getting wood, mum sent some of the goat soap that we made over Thanksgiving week, home with him. It is now fully cured and ready to use. It is unscented, because we forgot to add the scents. (I think Dad prefers unscented, anyways.) This batch holds up better than our first batch, and I think it is because Mum cured the soap upstairs in the warm and dry sewing room, instead of leaving it in the cold, and sometimes moist, basement. Who knows though, really, it just turned out better, in my humble opinion. (*Just thought I'd slip the picture in. I think they turned out pretty nice, and we will keep experimenting.)
The Plant Stand

It's still kind of a work in progress. Trav just added all of the plants he had lying around, mostly because of the lack of space we have in our house, and lack of windows. Most of the big pots are spinach and the pepper plants Trav is trying to keep as bi-annuals. Some of them died, due to Scale bugs, that we thought were aphids, and obviously don't die when you spray them with "citrus killer". (*Note Mary Meow, underneath by the heater vent.)
Here's Trav's first tray of onion seeds, he's working on at least two more trays right now, and ordered some onions through Dixon Dale.
By the way, thanks Mum and Dad, for the pork. I had no idea there would be so many different types (I love porkburgers), and our freezers are full again!
Hey KT, why doesn't our blog show blogs we follow, our favorite books and movies, etc.on the side of our blog posts?
Or is that just my computer?
Thanks for that lovely addition, Becky. I should be adding my own soon with information on my cheese classes and where I am staying, etc, etc. As for the list of Blogs We Follow, I added that as a gadget. If you go to the upper right corner there is a button, "Customize", and that is how you can change the layout and add things and such.
Love, Katie
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