Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Wednesday- Sausage Cabbage Crock Pot Soup

Well, that's been one week of Trav writing the meal plan. I think we will continue until we get bored! Thanks to Percy for this recipe...
Here is a bonus recipe...Curried eggplant with Tomato and Basil.This is the recipe I made last Wednesday before we started. Generally I like to be vegetarian a night or two per week. I would share any recipe I have used thus far (though most are easily available online).

Tuesday- Chicken Noodle Casserole and Green Beans



Monday, August 25, 2014

Monday- BBQs and Cauliflower

I almost didn't think I had time to make this tonight, because I had such a fun and busy day. The cauliflower was picked immediately before cooking... can't get any fresher than that. It just goes to show you sometimes the hardest part is knowing what to make, and having the ingredients! Plus it helped having Daddy around to play with the kids (plus he bought buns, because that I did not have time for today).

Here are some fun parts of the day...

(That's a goat, if you can't tell.)

Sunday, August 24, 2014

Sunday- Chicken Enchiladas and Peas

I forgot to take a good picture before we started eating, but I was happy I thought to put the chicken in the slow cooker before we left this morning. The homemade enchilada sauce recipe I found was quick and delicious!

Friday, August 22, 2014

Friday- Salmon Creole and Charlie's Enchanted Broccoli Rainforest

Trav said Salmon and broccoli, so I fancied it up and went French. Plus we had the only meal of sweet corn we will have this year from our garden (which was one big ear and a few tiny ones).


Thursday, August 21, 2014

Thursday- Beef Tacos with Tomatillo salsa and batter-fried green beans

I've been a little burned out on the meal planning front lately. I'm just not that great at sitting down and deciding what we will be eating. And mainly my goal is to eat what we have growing fresh right now. So, we've been eating fresh, but also eating out more than normal. And overall I've felt less satisfied in the kitchen.

But this week, Trav is going to do the meal planning (I'm still picking out the recipes and doing the cooking). It took him less than 20 minutes (for some reason it takes me much longer!).

So, without further ado, Thursday...

And a little raspberry sorbet for dessert (Charlie picked it out at the co-op this week, so I didn't make that).


Friday, August 8, 2014

Now he is 4.

These pictures are from Charlie's second swimming lessons. He had his ups and downs, but things ended on a very positive note. So, Mommy and Daddy were happy, and Charlie would like to go back again. He LOVES monkey crawling, but isn't too crazy about sticking his head under water without plugging his nose.

 One of Charlie's chores is taking the diapers out of the dryer and putting them nicely on the changing table. He is very good help... not so sure what Juniper's train of thought is, when she's trying to "help" Charlie.

 Happy Birthday! Chocolate angel food cake with 4 candles. Took a while to make a wish and blow them out, but it was a big wish for a machine that does a lot of different things. So that explained it.


See you all at the campground!