I was trying to be somewhat conspicuous, but here's a view from my side while Charlie is on the phone. He only talks when he is in the mood, and he likes to go hands free, which results in a lot of dropped calls. The phone is also regularly upside down. He has this new thing where he likes to talk to YaYa for an hour on the phone while she reads him books and he sings her songs (it all started out one day when he talked to her while sitting in the dryer, with the door open of course, while drinking some chocolate milk; now they're phone buddies. It's exclusive, I don't know what they are talking about, but apparently its some kind of inside joke because I hear a lot of giggling sometimes). To the oblivion of whomever he is on the phone with, he usually takes them on a tour around the house, sometimes to his room to look at toys, and other times trying to find Meow (so be careful what you ask him/whom you ask him about). Sometimes he also puts the phone up to each of his Pooh bears, and sometimes his centipede, so they must also like to say 'hello'. If the conversation gets long (and sometimes when it doesn't) he puts the phone on the floor and lies down next to it. And that's Charlie on the phone.