Thursday, August 23, 2012

Getting knitty with it.

Check out this link ( to the Winona Daily New's editorial on August 20th, in which they implied that knitting is the most boring activity imaginable...and then Yarnology's response which I have posted below. (Yarnology is Winona's yarn store.)

They are still waiting to see if their letter makes print.

Now I must go blanch some more green (and purple and yellow and multi-colored beans) for the freezer. Double eviction on Big Brother tonight (yikes). And then go to bed early (yeah!).


Monday, August 20, 2012

R & R (Routine and Relaxation... and much canning to do).

ahhhhh (big sigh) we are home. And we are going to stay here for a couple of weeks anyways. We had so much fun, and Charlie was actually able to stay on a pretty good schedule because of everyone's help, but it feels good just to be home. This morning Charlie crawled up into bed with Travis and would kiss him, and then say 'more' and kiss him again.Obviously somebody missed their daddy.

I got up this morning feeling like a lazy bum, but for some reason decided I needed to get out for that a.m. jog I've been neglecting, and it felt so good. The air was crisp, but not too cool. Just a perfect kind of day. Half way through Charlie signed potty, and was able to wait almost 10 minutes before we got to the Visitor's Center (Thank you for being open Winona Visitor's Center!). He had one wet diaper all day today, not counting one after his over 3 hour nap. He was such a honey all day, and played in his sand box for an hour while I read some more of my library book, Bringing Up Be'Be', which I am finding to be an easy read about French parenting.

I've got some fun things planned for Charlie when Trav goes back to school on Monday (and we will have lots of one on one time together). We're going to start working on some projects, artsy things, counting, listening to music, etc. Any ideas for a two-year old? Please share... we also accept substitute teachers and may go on a few field trips.
The first "unit" will be on Native American studies, due to the Great Dakota Gathering & Homecoming on September 14-16. So i.e. we will check out some related little kid's books at the library, listen to pertinent music, think up an art project, etc., etc. And I get that he is so little he might not get everything out of it I want him to, but I like the idea of exposing him to different things (he LOVES music and dancing, so why not try some different styles out and see what he likes). Plus it will be fun for me, too; and I hear they have delicious Indian tacos at the gathering.


Tuesday, August 14, 2012

The Cheese Vacation.

Everybody knows the moon is made of cheese... says Wallace to Gromit.

I am recommending this short film to Katie and other cheese lovers, as it is on Netflix and pretty dang cute. Wallace LOVES cheese, and is unable to eat crackers or drink tea without it.

I am not a huge animation fan, though I do prefer claymations. And Shaun the Sheep, which I very much enjoy, actually made his first appearance on Wallace and Gromit (A Close Shave). Plus they're British, and I am into a little British television phase (for the second time).

Ta ta,
