And the Sex and the City II reviews are not good. But there's no way I could not watch it, so I'm going to anyways. Just thought I'd let you all know.
This is the Wiste Family blog. A forum for our family's various ideas (usually intriguing) and events (always adventures).
Thursday, May 27, 2010
Saturday, May 22, 2010
Thursday, May 13, 2010
Notes from Norway II...
Sent: Tuesday, May 11, 2010 11:28 AM
Subject: Yes news!
> Hey Mumma,
> I have quite a story. First slept in too late to catch the first bus to
> Ron, but I figured I was there, I had to go for at least a couple of
> hours. I found the bus alright and left at about 1 in the afternoon. The
> trip was beautiful, as Norway is, and I stopped at the gas station to ask
> the dude working if he'd heard of any of the last names. Luckily there
> were some Lagruds in the area. It turns out that Tollef's youngest sister,
> Anne Wiste, married Syver Lagrud and they stayed in Ron. Eventually they
> came down and we met, I met Anne's daughter and grandchildren and
> greatgrandchildren. They are super duper nice and showed me the spot where
> Tollef grew up (the house is moved into the mountains). They do a little
> bit of farming (15 cows) and bring them up to the mountains every summer.
> They deposited me safely at the gas station to wait for the bus when I did
> something very stupid ... I missed the bus. I was partially my fault,
> partially that of the guy who worked at the gas station, partially no
> one's. See, to get back to Oslo I was going to take the bus at 8:50. Since
> it was Sunday evening the buses didn't run as late as normal and I had to
> first take a bus north before taking another one back south to Oslo.
> Normally one just takes a bus south. So, the dude at the gas station told
> me to stand on the wrong side of the road. I felt like it was wrong
> because I was thinking about it while standing there but I thought I
> should listen to a local since they would probably know better than
> me...wrong choice. I ended up calling our newly found cousins, only
> because I thought I could pay them gas money, they could drive my to a
> nearby town to take the train or a bus that I had found which would get me
> back to Oslo in time (remember I had a plane to catch at 10 AM the next
> day) but apparently they didn't believe me, tried to take me to a
> different city for a different train which wouldn't have given me enough
> time to catch a bus to the airport and so ended up driving me more than 3
> hours back to Oslo. How crazy is that? So, we need to do something
> extremely nice for them and they gave me an e-mail address and phone
> numbers and they have an ancestry book of the relatives in Norway (like we
> have for the states) and photos and are really really nice and interested
> in ancestry and that sort of thing. I'll send the e-mail address soon.
> Love you all! Katie
Sent: Wednesday, May 12, 2010 6:01 PM
Subject: Re: WOW
> Hey!
> I am headed to Sardegna tomorrow so after I settle in i will send their
> e-mail to you guys and put up some pictures. After all of the traveling
> and preparing I am super tired. It is also cold and rainy here in Perugia
> where I am staying only 2 days. I go to Rome to bring some clothes to Alex
> before she heads home and then I will take the ferry to Sardegna, a train
> to a city in the south where I will meet one of the farmers and then I'll
> be picking strawberries, or so I think. Well, it is 1 AM and I still have
> to pack my clothes so i'd better do that. it has been so humid and cool
> that the clothes are drying super slowly and i don't know if dryers exist
> in Italy (they do, just no one has one).
> Love much, Katie
The European Traveler
Wednesday, May 5, 2010
Notes from Norway...
I thought people would appreciate reading these. KT has been keeping us updated on her most recent travels, and it sounds like she has an exciting summer planned. Not to mention the weekend trips to Pompeii, Venice, Portugal and who all knows where else !?! that she has already been. I think she has been too busy to blog- and who can blame her?
So without further ado...
May 3rd, 2010 - 2:55 a.m. (MN time?)
I was in Italy this morning, but now I'm in......... NORWAY!!!!
Hello My Dear Family,
I am in Norway! As much as I have seen it is beautiful, but I`m still in the
airport so... I`ll be telling you more along the way. Right now I`m trying
to find a bus from the airport to Oslo and then I`ll get my train ticket
for a night train to Bergen. Write to you once I get there.
Love much, Katie
May 3rd, 2010 - 3:21 p.m. (MN time?)
Oslo, waiting, tired...
Hey there,
I'm surprisingly getting internet here at the train station where I am
waiting, and waiting, and waiting... for my night train to Bergen. Today
would have been super nice had it not been for my backpack and the fact
that I barely slept the night before. But, I made the best of it-I am in
Norway after all. I must say that us Norwegians in Spring Grove have
retained a certain Norwegian look about them: it may be how we walk, our
eyes, the shape of our face...I'm not quite sure but it is a little
disconcerting to be able to see a little bit of Spring Grove in a lot of
the people here. The landscape that I saw was gorgeous, kind-of like our
part of MN but better. I saw some fields getting prepared for planting and
they definitely need someone to pick rocks before they do anything else.
Well, I think I'll be heading to the train pretty quick. I hope the
bathrooms aren't too disgusting and that I can actually manage to sleep on the
way. I won't last another day of walking around if I don't. I was lucky
enough to accidentally run into a friend of Alessandro's on the train to Rome
and he let me stay at his house for a good hour or so and then another
friend came and picked me up and brought me to the airport. Too bad it was
1 in the morning and my check-in wasn't until 4:30 at the earliest. Myself
and about 20 other people can attest to the fact that sleeping on airport
floors is less than restful. But all went well and I pretty much passed out
in my seat on the airport, waking long enough to see some of the Alps (I
think, I was pretty out of it though) and then hear that we were crossing
May 4, 2010 - 4:22 a.m. (MN time?)
Hey y'all,
As I write I am drinking a strange Ginger Beer that is actually quite good,
potent in the sense that my throat burns from ginger now, but I think it
will refresh me considerably. I've been wandering my way around Bergen
since 7 AM (it is 11 AM right now) and although I am enjoying the sights
(think of Decorah on steroids and you get Bergen) it would be a lot better
without the backpack and with a shower. I'm planning on finding my hostel
around 3, doing the shower and nap, then heading back out until I find 3
burly, red headed, blue eyed men to drink mead with. I don't think they'll
be too difficult to find as blond and red haired men are everywhere here.
As for blue eyes - I wouldn't be surprised if mine turn blue by the end of
this trip. Thankfully everyone speaks English here, otherwise I would be
screwed, absolutely. I can understand what's written to some extent (only
because the words are spelled similar enough, sometimes) but spoken, no
way. Also the money is way strange. There are holes in some of the coins,
bills of 100 and 200 krone are normal, and I don't think that there is a
coin for under 1 krone, no cents, no .99 bullshit, just straight up 299
krone or 34 krone. 1 US dollar equals about 6 Norwegian krone. My train
trip, however, was exquisite. It was chilly in Oslo, but not too much, when
I boarded the train at 11 PM. I fell asleep almost instantly, as with the
plane ride, but it was a crappy sleep and I'd wake up quite often. After
one of the longer intervals I woke up to see that it was snowing! And not
just a light dusting, real snow. As the first light of then morning crept
over the hills (this around 3:30 in the morning since we are so far North)
I could see where we actually were. I don't think it was a fjord properly,
but there was a stunningly gorgeous but brutal looking gorge on one side
and a sheer rock face on the other side of the train. The landscape
continued this way for the good part of an hour, or at least that of which
I saw in between the long tunnels. There were some houses scattered among
the streams and blue-green rivers that cut between the rocks and across
small, snow covered valleys. I saw a ski track that had been used by what
looked like many people - it was in a part that I couldn't imagine any
other form of transportation possible. I fell asleep for a good bit and
then woke again to a bigger valley with red barns and dark blue or green
houses. i tried to take pictures when the train wasn't going so fast, but
it does nothing to express the brutal beauty of Norway. Well, I've got to
figure out how to work the train system and get an electrical adapter
before I pass out.
Love much, Katie
I know we are all waiting to hear more, so keep it coming little one!
So without further ado...
May 3rd, 2010 - 2:55 a.m. (MN time?)
I was in Italy this morning, but now I'm in......... NORWAY!!!!
Hello My Dear Family,
I am in Norway! As much as I have seen it is beautiful, but I`m still in the
airport so... I`ll be telling you more along the way. Right now I`m trying
to find a bus from the airport to Oslo and then I`ll get my train ticket
for a night train to Bergen. Write to you once I get there.
Love much, Katie
May 3rd, 2010 - 3:21 p.m. (MN time?)
Oslo, waiting, tired...
Hey there,
I'm surprisingly getting internet here at the train station where I am
waiting, and waiting, and waiting... for my night train to Bergen. Today
would have been super nice had it not been for my backpack and the fact
that I barely slept the night before. But, I made the best of it-I am in
Norway after all. I must say that us Norwegians in Spring Grove have
retained a certain Norwegian look about them: it may be how we walk, our
eyes, the shape of our face...I'm not quite sure but it is a little
disconcerting to be able to see a little bit of Spring Grove in a lot of
the people here. The landscape that I saw was gorgeous, kind-of like our
part of MN but better. I saw some fields getting prepared for planting and
they definitely need someone to pick rocks before they do anything else.
Well, I think I'll be heading to the train pretty quick. I hope the
bathrooms aren't too disgusting and that I can actually manage to sleep on the
way. I won't last another day of walking around if I don't. I was lucky
enough to accidentally run into a friend of Alessandro's on the train to Rome
and he let me stay at his house for a good hour or so and then another
friend came and picked me up and brought me to the airport. Too bad it was
1 in the morning and my check-in wasn't until 4:30 at the earliest. Myself
and about 20 other people can attest to the fact that sleeping on airport
floors is less than restful. But all went well and I pretty much passed out
in my seat on the airport, waking long enough to see some of the Alps (I
think, I was pretty out of it though) and then hear that we were crossing
May 4, 2010 - 4:22 a.m. (MN time?)
Hey y'all,
As I write I am drinking a strange Ginger Beer that is actually quite good,
potent in the sense that my throat burns from ginger now, but I think it
will refresh me considerably. I've been wandering my way around Bergen
since 7 AM (it is 11 AM right now) and although I am enjoying the sights
(think of Decorah on steroids and you get Bergen) it would be a lot better
without the backpack and with a shower. I'm planning on finding my hostel
around 3, doing the shower and nap, then heading back out until I find 3
burly, red headed, blue eyed men to drink mead with. I don't think they'll
be too difficult to find as blond and red haired men are everywhere here.
As for blue eyes - I wouldn't be surprised if mine turn blue by the end of
this trip. Thankfully everyone speaks English here, otherwise I would be
screwed, absolutely. I can understand what's written to some extent (only
because the words are spelled similar enough, sometimes) but spoken, no
way. Also the money is way strange. There are holes in some of the coins,
bills of 100 and 200 krone are normal, and I don't think that there is a
coin for under 1 krone, no cents, no .99 bullshit, just straight up 299
krone or 34 krone. 1 US dollar equals about 6 Norwegian krone. My train
trip, however, was exquisite. It was chilly in Oslo, but not too much, when
I boarded the train at 11 PM. I fell asleep almost instantly, as with the
plane ride, but it was a crappy sleep and I'd wake up quite often. After
one of the longer intervals I woke up to see that it was snowing! And not
just a light dusting, real snow. As the first light of then morning crept
over the hills (this around 3:30 in the morning since we are so far North)
I could see where we actually were. I don't think it was a fjord properly,
but there was a stunningly gorgeous but brutal looking gorge on one side
and a sheer rock face on the other side of the train. The landscape
continued this way for the good part of an hour, or at least that of which
I saw in between the long tunnels. There were some houses scattered among
the streams and blue-green rivers that cut between the rocks and across
small, snow covered valleys. I saw a ski track that had been used by what
looked like many people - it was in a part that I couldn't imagine any
other form of transportation possible. I fell asleep for a good bit and
then woke again to a bigger valley with red barns and dark blue or green
houses. i tried to take pictures when the train wasn't going so fast, but
it does nothing to express the brutal beauty of Norway. Well, I've got to
figure out how to work the train system and get an electrical adapter
before I pass out.
Love much, Katie
I know we are all waiting to hear more, so keep it coming little one!
A glimpse of my weekend...
Mum and Dad's new bee house, from his buddy Willard (and time will tell if this helps the bee population in the orchard)-

Rhubarb Torte-

Mummy (she milks four shifts per day; twice with the goats and of course twice with the cows)
Doesn't she look comfortable, though? And if they get late at night, they (Mum and Dad) turn on the tractor radio so they don't miss the Twin's game-

Dad and Pete and Polly (Polly in his arms, she's a real sweetheart and Pete's very rambunctious)-

The rest of the babies (though apparently there was a new one born since I was there) and they are so talented they can all drink at the same time; they have lots of room to run, jump and play outside now, and so they do-

Trav planting his cabbage, broccoli, and cauliflower (actually this might have been last week, we actually mulched them last weekend)-

Visiting Truman's farm, this is Marci and her new daughter Maggie-

Trav's tomato plants (they're actually in the porch now, and the plant stand is full of a majority of peppers, among a few other vegetables; apparently I'm planting my herbs tomorrow, as Trav has filled two flats of containers of dirt for me)-

And my most recent belly picture; I think this was around 20 or 21 weeks (we're getting close to 24 now! on Sunday)-

Baby Lingen,
Family Pics,
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