I should be doing homework, but instead I am looking up information on honey bees. Apparently, more pollination means larger, sweeter, more regularly shaped fruit. So Mom is probably right - there probably weren't enough bees around when pollination season was and that is why our apple/plum /pear crop is the way it is.
Also (Liz, you will enjoy this) I made some yogurt the other day and I have been eating it on granola with dried currants and honey. It is SO good. I didn't sweeten it or anything. At first I thought it was too tart and goaty flavoured, but not now. Becky, you need to start making yogurt too. You don't even have to have a yogurt maker - I made mine in a cooler. And I'm nearly positive that making it with pasteurized milk will work just the same as with fresh goat milk.
Anyways, I'd best get back to at least thinking about homework - enough slacking for today.
Love you guys -KT